High Performance Solutions and Consortium

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Consortium Member Story - Paris Dental Centre

Paris Dental Centre has been a member of the Continuous Improvement Alliance since 2016.   They are a progressive dental clinic in Paris, Ontario and a pioneer in deploying Organizational Systems Thinking and developing a continuous improvement culture in the dental industry. Paris Dental Centre was the winner of the Share Showcase people's choice award for 2018.

We asked Karla Stonham to answer a few questions on what Paris Dental has learned and applied from the consortium. Here are her answers.

Read the full story  

Is your management system limiting your success?

A highly engaged and motivated employee is the most formidable weapon that an organization can utilize to compete and win. An engaged and motivated employee is more focused on doing their work, more productive, and is more likely to have a better work and home life.  However, less than 30% of an organization’s people fit this category. Less than 5% of organizations sustain high performance over the long term. One of the limiting factors may be your management system. Here are a few simple steps to start building a strong management system.

Read the full story

Consortium Events - Fall 2019

Accelerate WWCC 
Sept 25: Organizational Flow and Speed. - PIN - Guelph

Accelerate HPM 
Sept 17: Alignment - Big Goals to Front Line Measures  - Crystal Fountains - Vaughn

Accelerate AfEE 
Sept 12: Protect the Core  - S&C Electric - Toronto

Accelerated CIA  
Sept 18: From Plan to Execute  - St. Mary's General Hospital - Kitchener

Sept 26: Overcoming Resistance to Change  - L3 Wescam - Burlington

Skill Development Events

Full List of Connsortium Member Events

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